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Achieving Balance seriesProductivity

Achieving Balance #4 with Jeff from Future Accounting

By May 22, 2018April 9th, 2024No Comments

Jeff Burson is the Director of Future Accounting Limited, an awesome practice in sunny Wellington, NZ.

What do you do day-to-day/long term to ensure you have a good work-life balance?

I do a few things:

  • Calendar app on my phone so I’m up to date with client work, saving a lot of stress
  • Try to get our running a couple of times a week
  • Have a whiteboard that schedules the upcoming week for our whole family so we all make time for each other (and work)
  • Regular activities that I do with my children every week at the same time (we love mainly music!)

Do you think you’re good at keeping a good balance?

Yes I do. I spend a lot of time with my children during the days, and do a lot of work in the evening. My wife and I then have regular evenings together too, so everybody wins.

How do you choose what to prioritise in both work and life?

Work priorities are generally based around deadlines, i.e. who have I promised work to and at what point. It begins with setting realistic expectations so there is no undue stress on either party. For life outside of work, I prioritise quality time with family, preferably outside in this wonderful country we live in. I know it’s cheesy but to see your children laughing and playing is so rewarding.

What’s your advice to other people who feel like they struggle with work-life balance?

Firstly, work out what you actually want from life because it’s near impossible to have it all.

Secondly, learn to say no on occasion.

Finally, plan some time for just you and stick to it.

What is a book/podcast/TV show/website/app/etc. that you love right now and would recommend?

Very nerdy but to be honest it’s Pokemon Go. It’s one of the few apps that makes you get out and about. If you’ve had a bad morning, a lunchtime walk can help a lot. You have to walk to play [in the app] so it’s a great excuse to both have some fun and get some exercise.

Achieving Balance is a new series that looks at how busy professionals manage their day-to-day. Check out interview onetwo and three.

Riley Malins

Author Riley Malins

Riley's expert advice on streamlining your business processes with SuiteFiles.

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